
“If you don’t kill what killed your father, what killed your father will hunt you down and finally kill you. Your time to re-write your family history has come, confront your giants” - Joshua 1v5 and Daniel 3v17.

One-on-one session

All my one-on-one sessions are divided into two categories, and both categories follow a short telephone assessment I conduct with every potential client before any payment or booking is done. This gives both me and any clients the opportunity to vat each other for compatibility. When it comes to coaching, a good match goes a long way.

First category:
This session takes place between you and I. In this session you are helping me understand your “WHY” or at least understand the problem/s you are currently trying to fix in your life. In this session we have to clearly define exactly what you want and the kind of change/s you want to see in life so we can both agree on a tailor-made plan that will bring a shift by moving you from point A to B in reasonable time in order for you experience the relief and the joy you want in your life.

Second category:
The second category is for couples. Because most couples are usually not in good speaking terms when they book their first session with me, I then separate the two in order to understand their individual perspective about the relationship. In this session I aim to help the two enter their “Tolerance zone” before their come to their second-session, especially if one of them had an affair in the relationship.

You have 5 slots you can choose from between Monday to Sunday.


Marriage coaching